Architecture itself is the book's deeper subject, architecture understood as the metaphor of an emerging Western consciousness.
He considers these changes so revolutionary that he labels the Romantic movement "the greatest transformation of Western consciousness, certainly in our time."
Not until the Renaissance, when painters introduced the vanishing point in art (implying both zero and infinity) did the dangerous idea fully enter Western consciousness.
The arguments of those who confirm the pop notions have been readily incorporated into popular Western consciousness, finding rich and varied expression in the arts and media.
Until the current wave of political reform began sweeping across Eastern Europe, East Germany nudged its way into Western consciousness about once every four years.
Also known as the Apocalypse, the last book of the New Testament is etched in Western cultural consciousness.
The Russian soul evolved and entered into Western consciousness in the following decades, most famously through the work of Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
Persia with its impressively rich and varied cultural legacy had a formative role in shaping Western consciousness.
The end of the 19th century was not the only or the last time Zarathustra played a prominent role in shaping Western consciousness and philosophic discourse.
But Western public consciousness and environmental groups continue to focus on such issues while all but ignoring millions of annual deaths from polluted air and water.