The one home we did visit, in Beijing, was owned by Western expatriates.
Singapore's private medical sector has evolved as a centre of excellence for treating Western expatriates and wealthy Asians across tracts of the continent, including China.
This township was once home to many Western expatriates circa 1970s.
Four Britons and one American were among those wounded in the attack, the first in years on Western expatriates working in the country.
Karachi is host to many Western expatriates in Pakistan.
There are over 100,000 British expatriates in Dubai, by far the largest group of Western expatriates in the city.
The main line of the novel follows a group of young Western expatriates through their lives in Budapest.
Yet Western expatriates have set a good example of how to operate in a free society, and Western investment has been a lever for economic and political reform.
Illustrated magazines for Western expatriates introduced Western-style satirical cartoons to Japan in the late 19th century.
Western expatriates, from Europe, Australia, and Latin America make up 500,000 of the overall population.