In others she wears the sensible Western garb of a young working woman.
The standard cover on the $50 book will show a 3-year-old Kansas ranch girl in Western garb.
The cast dresses in stylized western garb, which makes it all the more difficult to execute many of the moves.
Several years ago the troupe attempted "Hamlet" using Western garb.
He also had a robotic army dressed in western garb, called the Terra-Men.
A young man in western garb appears, dismounts from a surrey and, drawing close, kisses her gently.
As she, piece by piece, divested him of his Western garb, he felt more and more a stranger to himself.
Out went the traditional Western garb of the reserved country girl, in came hip-hugging silk dresses, cherry lipstick and heels.
Biscailuz appeared in western garb, replete with twin six-shooters.
And then after changing to western garb, he had shot his own guards and slipped alone, unnoticed onto the train which had brought Mm here.