The musical originality of jazz did not consist of pushing Western harmonic idioms ever further into anarchy and abstraction.
Styles that mingle Western and Chinese idioms are now common.
Mr. Sheng proves remarkably successful at juxtaposing Asian and Western idioms in more or less "pure" forms.
Some of the most striking pictures are by Indonesians working in a purely Western idiom.
In a bathetic performance, Sakina Jaffrey plays an Eastern doctor who coyly wonders about Western idioms.
Although Sohal writes in the Western idiom, his extensive range of compositions shows a long-standing and serious commitment to the insights of Hindu philosophy.
He could incorporate Western musical idioms in his compositions, and compose for Western-style orchestras.
A program note defines that company's esthetic as a fusion of African dance and music with Western idioms.
Miyake combines Japanese and Western idiom, and often uses traditional Japanese instruments in her compositions.
Ms. Chen's music arrestingly merges elements of traditional Chinese and contemporary Western idioms.