Some have suggested that the economic incentive to hunt bushmeat has led to an erosion of these traditional values, and that Western interference is therefore appropriate.
Moreover, interwoven with this is a considerable amount of militancy against Western interference in Iran and an open mockery of religious fanaticism.
Almond has been critical of what he characterizes as Western interference with democracy, such as the activities of George Soros.
But neither seems to consider that in the Arab world, democracy might not be the end, and Western interference might not be the means.
Its opponents in the Serbian security forces maintain, correctly or not, that only Western interference prevents them from clobbering, if not destroying the rebel army.
Q. And Solidarity, is that the product of Western interference?
Her memoir, written after repeated visits, explores Afghan mythology and the impact of Western interference.
The Wall, which was built in part to stem East German emigration and wall off their brain trust, was also constructed to avoid Western interference.
Hezbollah leaders have continued to profess its support for Syria, while stressing Lebanese unity by arguing against "Western interference" in the country.
Some Chinese leaders treat Western demands on human rights as a continuation of Western interference in China's internal affairs.