Western methods are overtaking the traditional in an attempt to improve maternal health and increase the number of live births.
A traditional method of orthopedic treatment, involving less immobilization than Western methods, continued to be widely used in the 1980s.
Output jumped 40 percent from 1998 to 2003, in part because of the industry's privatization and the adoption of Western methods.
"To offer a model for alcohol treatment that uses shamanism in conjunction with Western methods."
It combined Western educational methods with the study of local customs, languages, biology and geography.
That Western scientific methods are now used to verify this sort of "traditional ecological knowledge" does not make the knowledge new.
Some come with diseases like cancer and arthritis that have not been cured by Western methods.
Contemporary military practice everywhere is now rooted in Western methods.
"It's analogous to the steps some companies have taken to bring their accounting standards into line with Western methods."
Burrowes was the only teacher, and gave classes on traditional Western artistic methods to anyone who chose to attend in whatever space he could find.