The popularity of the procedure jumps whenever there was a significant Western presence in Asia - for example, during the Korean War.
One reason, particularly in Saudi Arabia, is that the Western military presence has ignited domestic criticism.
The result is a strong Western presence in Songkhla that has helped create a relatively wealthy and prosperous town.
There were practically no attacks in the first two months of this year, probably because of a heavy Western military presence during tsunami relief operations.
I gather that knowledge of your Western presence was like the wasp-things.
Nor can Western ideas be persuasive where the Western presence is contemptuous of tradition, destructive to cultural patterns and insensitive to religious belief.
That date, 1778, is the year in which Captain Cook "discovered" the islands, and thus the date of the first known Western presence.
But they did not say it, if they were wise, in Washburne's irritable Western presence.
But sanctions reduce the Western presence that is the greatest force for change.
The Western presence here is now down to a handful of journalists and Red Cross employees and other aid workers.