Even to a Western sensibility the work was tough stuff.
Highly controversial, it has been accused to portray India in a low light and according to Western sensibilities.
Ms. Smith said that what she brings to Arena is "a Western sensibility."
In India, the spiritual infuses life in ways that seem foreign to a Western sensibility.
Others are unglazed, which makes them look modern to Western sensibilities.
Due to social mores, some are too racy for some Western sensibilities.
For most Western sensibilities, Chinese landscape art is an acquired taste.
Mishima's violent chauvinism is founded on mistrust of Western sensibility.
Nepalese art seems the more benign, but it is not without its strange side (to Western sensibilities).
His manner of reporting may seem eccentric to Western sensibilities; he does not tell a story as we are accustomed to hearing one.