He is known all over Mongolia, and also mentioned or pictured in some accounts of contemporary western travellers.
Medical treatment is expensive at Western travellers' clinics in Nepal.
Western travellers to Palestine in the 19th century described their impressions of the site in travelogues.
Some few Western travellers subsequently visited the islands.
To the north, lay "beautiful olive-groves and fruitful wheatfields," as they were described by one Western traveller to the region in the mid-19th century.
In 1829, another western traveller mentioned Vasiliko as a town of 220 houses, the main occupation of its residents being ship building and fishing.
A number of western travellers through Central Asia have reported on the phenomenon of the bacchá.
As Japan opened to Western influence, numerous Western travellers visited the country, taking a great interest in the arts and culture.
Nineteenth-century Western travellers to the Middle East went in search of an imagined Arabia.
Western travellers to Kurdistan reported several Christian villages whose inhabitants spoke Kurdish.