Western twang meets baroque guitar stylings in pensive songs made for a desert sunset on the group's newest album, "Excuses for Travelers."
Opponents often portray Rove as Rasputin with a Western twang, a shadowy figure making all the decisions for an immature president.
Now new voices, with a Western twang, have chimed in.
"Depends on which one you mean," the barkeep said in a voice drenched in Western twang.
Wills' deep, rough voice and Western twang were perfectly matched to the personality of the cynical, sardonic mule.
He speaks with a slight Western twang.
Voices, sentiments, the music of the prose, sensibilities of the characters have no peculiarly Western twang.
Standing in the shade of the awning, Talbot explained in his taut Western twang that early morning is the best time for long-distance shooting in the desert.
An American voice with a Western twang complained loudly and bitterly.
With a fairly high pitched voice often accompanied by a Western twang, he became one of the busiest radio performers in the late 1940s and 1950s.