They are severely disturbed, the most common presentation - from a Western psychiatric viewpoint - being catatonia, a schizophrenic disorder manifested in posturing, mutism, facial grimaces and mannerisms.
The American George Boeree (2002) writes about Navayana from a Western viewpoint:
Angelou's experiences as a working-class single mother challenged traditional and Western viewpoints of women and family life, including the nuclear family structure.
The designs for European chinoiserie tapestries "depicted or imitated life in the Orient from a Western viewpoint."
This is unusual from a Western viewpoint, though one parallel is that new Basque verbs are only formed periphrastically.
The Western viewpoint views the regulation of animal research in Japan as very lenient.
Recent global events have left him caught between Islamic and Western viewpoints.
They were protesting against the centrality of the Western viewpoint, and pushing their own out of the margins and into the limelight once more.
Uncertainty of Public Opinion From a Western viewpoint, it might seem that protests are most likely when people are angriest, but that may not be the case in China.
The gap in strategy today (from a Western viewpoint) is in what the Americans call "asymmetric warfare": the battle against guerrilla forces by conventional national armed forces.