Haase practised in the Westwood section of Los Angeles, with many celebrities, including Conrad Hilton, for clients, for nearly forty years.
She was 87 years old and lived in the Westwood section of Los Angeles.
Wednesday, in downtown L.A., the Westwood section.
The Fox Bruin Theater is a large movie palace located in the Westwood section of Los Angeles, California.
Opponents say they are concerned that the plan would add to traffic congestion and air pollution around the campus in the Westwood section.
"So we opened a Greek restaurant in the Westwood section of the city."
Her parents moved to Los Angeles when she and her brother Marc were very young, and they grew up primarily in the Westwood section.
For the third consecutive year, Bendel's has conducted an open call at the W Hotel in the Westwood section, at which young, generally unknown designers pitch their wares.
Now there is another era in the Westwood section of Los Angeles.
Chateau Colline is an historic eight-unit apartment building on Wilshire Boulevard in the Westwood section of Los Angeles, California.