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It is now called the Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian.
Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Hosteen Klah died on February 27, 1937 from pneumonia, and he is buried on the grounds of the Wheelwright Museum.
Her mother, an anthropologist, is a research associate at the Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian in Santa Fe.
Nearby is the privately run Wheelwright Museum (505-982-4636), which displays American Indian art and has a well-stocked gift shop downstairs.
Until recently he served on the Board of Directors for the Wheelwright Museum in Santa Fe.
The Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian is a museum devoted to Native American arts.
With the repatriation of 1977, the museum changed its name to the Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian.
Santa Fe: Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian, 2004.
Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian - Native American art and history.