In response to rising inflation, Ford went before the American public in October 1974 and asked them to "Whip Inflation Now".
Simplistic imperatives to make an extra widget or fine-tune the corpocracy will be as effective as the 1970's Whip Inflation Now (WIN) buttons.
Ford also put Rockefeller in charge of his "Whip Inflation Now" initiative.
President Ford told the nation that one way to combat the enormous increases in prices was to wear a red button with white initials, WIN, which stood for "Whip Inflation Now."
He proclaimed, amid considerable White House ballyhoo, a campaign to "Whip Inflation Now," complete with "WIN" buttons.
I'm not expecting any kind of run on those old Whip Inflation Now buttons from the Ford administration.
That was when Gerald R. Ford made "Whip Inflation Now" his motto.
In 1974 he offered a marching song "Whip Inflation Now" to the Ford Administration, but it was not used.
The "Whip Inflation Now" (WIN) program, that had been launched on October 8, 1974, by the Citizens Action Committee to Fight Inflation", was brought to an end by the same Committee.
Those relics of the mid-1970's, with their "Whip Inflation Now" slogan avidly promoted by President Gerald R. Ford, are collector items today, reminders of a misty past that apparently shows no signs of returning.