Chiorini said, "White Stag was all about creating an environment in which youth led youth.
There was no question about who was in charge in White Stag.
With Hood's active encouragement, he decided to incorporate these leadership skills into White Stag.
In 1956, reflecting the popularity of the sportswear line, Hirsch-Weis changed its name to White Stag.
In 1966, White Stag was purchased by the Warner Brothers Company, which later became the Warnaco Group.
Through White Stag, Speedo's product line expanded to include men's and women's sportswear.
They also conducted a statistical analysis of troops taking part in White Stag and compared them to non-participating units.
In 1959 The White Stag received the Lewis Carroll Shelf Award.
The firm became known as Hirsch-Weis and then White Stag).
So I'm a little wary with this intruder in White Stag and, sure enough, after our minimal introductions, she turns on me.