White can still attack gradually after 6 Be2, but there is then more time for Black to get ready.
White was resisting the officers, but not attacking them.
After 12 Nf3 Qe4, White has lost one pawn and is getting ready to offer another, to attack before Black completes his development.
After 11 Nfd7 12 Bg6 hg, the black kingside was not mobile, whereas White could attack it with h4 and h5.
White can attack either the kingside or the queenside.
The Whites will attack either before the snows or first thing in the spring after the thaw.
If White eagerly attacks with 7 Ng5?
Whites attacked and killed an estimated 10-100 blacks.
The forest was at their back, in front of them was a field, and across this open, undefended space the Whites were attacking.
White can attack on the kingside and try to exploit the passed h-pawn, while Black destroys the centre.