In 1803 White suffered an attack of ophthalmia, which led to his blindness a few years later.
But White suffered a serious knee injury in a 1958 intrasquad game and his career was nearly ended before it began.
Whites as a group do not suffer, he said, when a prominent white is caught up in a high-profile case.
White suffered a nervous breakdown after the death of his first wife in 1861.
In 2001, the since-retired White suffered a heart attack that left him with a pacemaker.
White suffered a separated shoulder in the fourth game last year but missed only one week.
Native Americans are four times more likely than Whites to suffer from diabetes.
During the 2007-08 pre-season, White suffered a serious eye injury.
Two things become clear: White suffers from barely hidden rage about his situation, and he is a huge geek.
White had been suffering from congestive heart failure during his later years.