The Whitman administration took out $180 million more in 1994.
So is tax cutting the real history of the Whitman administration at half time?
So, over the next seven months, the Whitman administration will have public hearings to try to figure it out.
Clearly the Whitman administration, its members drawn from business and the law, do not think there is any difference.
The Whitman administration insists it's just a matter of moving money around.
The Whitman administration insists that politics did not play a role in its decision.
"That is a direct result of the cuts made by the Whitman administration."
The Whitman administration insists that this is not a problem.
Beginning late last year, the administration set out to create a much different perception among voters about the Whitman administration's environmental record.
The Whitman administration hopes that the court will accept its plan.