The museum is at 170 Whitney Avenue in New Haven.
Street railway tracks used to be present on Whitney Avenue from the late 19th to early 20th centuries.
Route 10 portion of Whitney Avenue is home to many homes along with many businesses.
Institutional purposes are now served by many of the buildings built originally as mansions along Whitney Avenue.
The address is 915 Whitney Avenue and admission is $2.50, $1.50 for children and the elderly.
Some attending physicians moved with the civilian patients to temporary quarters on Whitney Avenue.
The church bought the red brick building at 87-11 Whitney Avenue more than 10 years ago and has long complained about the activities.
He died at his home, on Whitney Avenue, on June 7, 1894.
Admission to the museum, at 170 Whitney Avenue, is $5, $6 or $7, depending on age.
Before or after the museum, stop at Clark's Dairy on Whitney Avenue.