Most Wi-Fi devices - such as laptops, internet radios and digital picture frames - will only operate at 2.4GHz.
This is why Wi-Fi devices offer different connection speeds and constantly adapt the data rate to the environment conditions.
Who'd build a Wi-Fi device that can't connect to a wireless network - to sync with your PC, for example?
But Wi-Fi devices "aren't where they need to be," he said.
And unlike with wired Ethernet, Wi-Fi devices can't detect collisions as they happen.
Huawei announced the launch of its next-generation mobile Wi-Fi device, the E583C in July 2010.
Not every Wi-Fi device is submitted for certification.
Unlike mobile phones, any standard Wi-Fi device will work anywhere in the world.
For use within Britain only, this allows you to connect five Wi-Fi devices at once.
Along with a Windows 7 or 8 certified Wi-Fi device it can act as a wireless access point.