In the 1782 and 1783 sessions he was the senator for Wilkes County.
Williamson was born in Wilkes County, Georgia to a prestigious family.
Before then, its territory was part of Wilkes County, now on its western side.
Between 1790 and 1854, Wilkes County's land area grew smaller as parts of it were used to make new counties.
The city is the county seat of Wilkes County.
Wilkes County is served by a number of highways.
Despite its rural character and relatively small population, Wilkes County has been the birthplace of numerous large industries.
He moved to what became Wilkes County, North Carolina in 1769.
Wilkes County is the name of two counties in the United States:
The history of public education in Wilkes County really began shortly after the state passed its first common school law in 1839.