Mary turned, spyglass in hand, to see Will and Lyra returning.
The words simmer down and Terri advises Will to return the car to the dealership, because he cannot afford it.
She was easing her back with her hands, happy with the shoes near to completion, when young Will returned.
Lyra and Will must return to their own home worlds, as they are unable to survive more than ten years in any world but their own.
The Will returned to the relief fleet after its time at Falmouth and has continued in that role since.
Enik agrees and removes the smoke, and Will returns the node.
Natasha goes home to discover Will has returned from staying with a family friend and finds Cain in the kitchen.
Little Will went back to the wagon and returned carrying a mahogany-handled, gold-tipped bullhook.
Will, Larry, and Charlene returned to the courtroom.
After Will and I returned from our quick trip to Mexico, we spent a long weekend doing everything the kids wanted to do.