I'm alone, Will, just me in a cave with my daughter, and all the forces of all the worlds are trying to track us down.
You listen, Will, I'm trying to find out what happened to the Colonel.
The carnival falls apart as Will tries to revive Jim.
"Will," Tom said, "I'm trying to set my house in order for 2000, and I want to ask you a question."
Will, who had none, tried to think about his opening remarks but couldn't concentrate.
As they struggle, the man falls off the walkway as Will tries to save him.
Leaving the window open, Will, in the other-world meadow, felt with the knifepoint for the familiar snags and tried them.
Will, still bemused by the blessed cool numbness in his hand, tried to sit up and look at him.
Little Will tried to project her thought into the man's mind as Nhissia had trained her to do.
While Will was still trying to figure that out, he was hit, hard, in the back, and he collapsed onto the floor of the platform.