William King, who received 34 votes in the 1984 primary.
A truck driver, William King, wrote down the plate number and called the police.
William King (dates unknown) was an English cricketer who played in the 1750s.
Players were rarely mentioned by name in contemporary reports and there are no other known references to William King.
He was opposed to black settlement in the area and debated the issue with William King at a public debate held in 1849.
The mill was bought in the 19th century by William King, who named it "Kingsmill".
This article is about the novel by William King.
Some of these chapters are the old stories of William King written in the late 80s and early 90s.
The building was originally built in 1802, and then expanded in 1808, by William King.
The home has been restored and furnished based on the 1778 inventory of owner, William King.