Another work, Ane Resonyng by William Lamb did not make it to the press.
William Lamb (1 June 1893 - 12 January 1951) was a Scottish sculptor and artist.
William Lamb was born on 1 June 1893 in Montrose, Scotland.
William Lamb was fiercely independent and on occasion declared that his work was not subject to the influence of others.
William Lamb was also a gifted draughtsman.
William Lamb survived the battle but spent the next seven years on crutches.
William Lamb refused to submit and regretted that his mother had conspired against his wife with Byron.
Calling Byron treacherous, William Lamb was supportive of his wife to her death.
He appointed William Lamb, an architect in whose abilities he had great faith, to be responsible for the design.
She thought of another political man, William Lamb, constantly embarrassed by his half-mad wife, Caroline.