For many of the new owners, the neat, identical 18-foot wide houses on Williams Avenue were a dream come true.
In September 1907 the library relocated to a larger space within the Emporium building on Williams Avenue.
Officer Infantes, who had grown up on Williams Avenue, was attending a celebration next door.
The station is located on Williams Avenue near Route 17.
He died in the hallway of a six-story roach-brown public-housing project at 400 Williams Avenue.
Williams Avenue in the Gettysburg National Military Park is named for him.
He has a work shed, little more than a shack, on the other side of my property, right at the end of Williams Avenue.
It's just that way you hook along Williams Avenue.
Without further word, he put heels to John Adams, heading toward Williams Avenue.
They can cut through the woods and come out over on Williams Avenue.