The program entry point is called DriverEntry(), the same as for a Windows device driver.
New hardware is eagerly awaited, however, and Nokia is set to launch its first Windows devices at the end of October.
And some Archos devices come with a much heftier price tag than Windows devices, like the 80-gigabyte AV480 for about $800.
I've been reading ebooks on Windows devices for a decade now.
Internet rumours had expected a third Windows device, with a keyboard, but Nokia's only new keyboard phone was part of the Asha range.
Steve Ballmer emphasised how different the 7 Series range of phones would be from previous Windows devices, as well as competitors.
Chris Weber said that if Nokia's Windows devices failed, Symbian's success "didn't matter".
So, well, not only laptops but, you know, portable Windows devices of various sorts.
But the new Treo for Windows device, yet to be named officially, will provide customers with the Windows interface that is the standard in most businesses.
Non-x86 Windows devices will likely be expected to use the online version of Office.