"There are very few systems equivalent to this machine in the Windows environment for the desktop," he said.
Fast forward three years, and I find myself working in a Windows environment (mainly), but the need to organize my reading remains.
And the programs continue to do things their own way, so you lose the consistency of the Windows environment.
Now you can play golf without having to leave the comfort of your Windows environment.
It isn't as though database applications aren't suited to the Windows environment.
It seems prudent that we focus on the Windows environment.
Later versions are available for the Windows environment only.
"Knowledgeware moved into the Windows environment and object-oriented technology about a year or two too late."
As of v1.1.121 beta e bundle commands can be set to use the native Windows environment.
And the fact that the Windows 7 environment is already being referred to as a "ghetto" is not good.