Suppose you take a Unix programmer and a Windows programmer and give them each the task of creating the same end-user application.
There is one significant group of Windows programmers who are primarily coding for other programmers: the Windows team itself, inside Microsoft.
That's OK; he's not a Windows programmer; we'll forgive that.
It's rather rare to find such bigotry among Windows programmers, who are, on the whole, solution-oriented and non-ideological.
Herbert Schildt is an American musician, computing author and a Windows programmer.
Great Windows programmers will be at Microsoft's PDC.
I think today most Windows programmers trust Visual C++, for example.
This has had the advantage of giving Windows programmers a great deal of flexibility and power over their applications.
And the idea was that the code that the programmer, a Windows programmer would write would ask Windows for the next event.
As a result, Windows programmers are in great demand, and thus expensive.