Microsoft is preparing a much simpler Windows 8 setup and installation process for less-advanced users, potentially reducing the number of clicks from 60 to 11.
The Dell versions include changes to the Windows setup files that can cause the BartPE build process to fail.
The only note of caution I have is that you need a solid Windows setup - load too many icon movies and things slow down a bit.
Windows setup places the initial system partition based on motherboard BIOS settings.
Here's what it takes to get them all working together on a typical Windows setup:
An F6 disk is loaded in Windows setup by pressing the F6 key immediately when Windows Setup starts.
Windows setup was then run from each local machine to install a few local files making Windows 3.1 capable of being run over a network.
The first is that Windows 7 setup itself, by default, creates a separate active system partition.
And if you are upgrading from Vista into 7, of course you wouldn't be running Windows setup from scratch on an empty drive.
This guide explains step-by-step how to determine which version of your web browser you are running on a Windows setup.