However, the 180c pales in contrast to color portables now showing up on the Windows side of the computer spectrum.
Compared with the 486-based portables that are increasingly common on the Windows side, the 180c offers adequate but not great power.
"And there is nothing like them on the Windows side of the fence."
Now, I'm sure there are a lot of choices on the Windows side.
Get a big screen and have Windows side by side with the Mac on the same system.
And yet it must be harder than it appears, or why hasn't the Windows side of the personal computer business figured it out?
It does a really good job over on a Windows side.
So the group was transferred to the Windows side of the company.
And it's a practice that has become very commonplace, even on the Windows side.
I mean, this is what we've been putting up with over on the Windows side, of course, for quite a while.