It also offers classic views of Crater Lake and Wizard Island along the way.
Oregon: Oregon's design features a scene of Crater Lake and Wizard Island.
Current public access to Wizard Island is available only during the summer months when boat tours on Crater Lake are in operation.
Lava eruptions later created a central platform, called Wizard Island.
There is an unnamed island in the lake, known by locals as both Wizard Island or Enchantment Island.
Take a boat ride to tiny Wizard Island - a "cone within a cone".
Swimming is allowed in the lake, and the boat tours, which stop at Wizard Island a cinder cone inside the lake, operate daily during the summer.
"Broke mine getting off Wizard Island."
The story explains that Llao's head is now Wizard Island.
His report described Wizard Island, and observed it was a remnant of volcanic activity.