On 3 September 1912, Wood conducted the world premiere of the Five Pieces for Orchestra at a Promenade Concert at the Queen's Hall in London.
Wood conducted the first performance at his jubilee concert at the Royal Albert Hall on 5 October 1938.
This is the sixth year Woods has conducted these clinics.
Wood conducted both popular music and the classical works of Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky, Brahms and Wagner, as well as some English composers.
Some of the music Wood conducted was very new indeed.
Wood conducted the Proms until his death in 1944.
The series was successful, and Wood conducted annual promenade series until his death in 1944.
Before that debacle, Wood had also conducted performances of Maritana and rehearsed Oberon and Der Freischütz.
Wood conducted his own compositions and arrangements from time to time.
Among those conducting their own works or hearing Wood conduct them were Strauss, Debussy, Reger, Scriabin, Rachmaninoff and Schoenberg.