While stage announcements proudly proclaimed a new Woodstock Nation, that nation won't correspond exactly to the first one.
Asked where he lived, he replied, "the Woodstock Nation," which he said was in his mind.
Local officials are thrilled, the hard core of the Woodstock Nation, less so.
Big House also covered this song on their 2000 album, Woodstock Nation.
Was she immune to the winds of the Woodstock Nation buffeting the country?
As a result, the promoters put their burden on the backs of the Woodstock Nation, a la 1969.
But the Stones had no genuine interest in furthering the Woodstock Nation, whatever that was.
It only took a few guys with poolcues and switchblades to turn Woodstock Nation into Altamont.
"I've got more dope in my veins than half of Woodstock Nation."
Woodstock Nation contains instructions for more pipe bombs and a neat timing device (see pages 115-117).