She had previously worked for the Worcester Foundation in Massachusetts and had graduated from the University of Birmingham in England.
In 1970, Hoagland became scientific director of the Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, retiring in 1985 after 15 years in the directorship.
It is located in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts at the site of the former Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, where the first birth control pill was developed.
The now-defunct Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, the renowned research facility where the combined oral contraceptive pill was first developed.
After teaching at several institutions, including Yale University, he became a director at the Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology.
While working at the Worcester Foundation he was a research consultant to the Syntex Corporation, starting in 1950.
Also in 2005 he was awarded the Gregory Pincus Award from the Worcester Foundation.
At the Worcester Foundation he was a research scientist and later senior scientist and principal scientist.
Dr. Sluder is a staff scientist at the Worcester (Mass.) Foundation for Experimental Biology.
Chang, Min Chueh, "Recollections of 40 years at the Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology"