Construction of the Rose Garden began in 1933 with funds provided by the federal Civil Works Administration.
In later life, Drysdale was partially supported by the Civil Works Administration.
It was added to the building in 1934 by the Civil Works Administration, during conversion of the house into a clubhouse for the city.
The courthouse was renovated by the Civil Works Administration in the winter of 1933-34.
It sat there for twenty-five years, until restored in 1935-1936 under the auspices of the Civil Works Administration, and opened as a museum.
Roosevelt Hall was constructed by local carpenters and other workers hired under federal Civil Works Administration.
So Grandpa finally signed on to help build a public school with the Civil Works Administration in exchange for a federal paycheck.
Through county and municipal government, the federal Civil Works Administration gave employment to thousands of men.
In 1933, he applied to the Federal government for funding under the newly minted Civil Works Administration.
The landing strip was approved by the Civil Works Administration in 1933.