"The World Church stands for free speech and open dialogue and is willing to debate the issues at any time."
But fourth, and I think it was reflected very much in the discussions this morning just to simply remind you that you are the World Church!
So we were presented, as it were, with a partial membership of the World Church.
Creativity Movement, former "World Church of the Creator"
Chase was a member of the World Church of the Creator, a white power hate group.
It is a forerunner for the World Church.
When he set up the headquarters of the World Church of the Creator in his parents' home, some thought it was a joke.
David Stearns, of the World Church, says it's both, and he approves either way.
He said that Sillonists wanted to completely level social differences and to create a "One World Church" by joining "unbelievers".
As such, tithing is not limited to World Church giving as in the past, or even to the church at all.