Carter claims to have been thinking about what the episode would entail almost two years prior, when he was working on developing The X-Files movie.
The station has featured prominently in several science fiction television program, including 'The X-Files' movie 'The X Files (film)'.
The episode could also function as either a cliffhanger for an eighth season or an X-Files movie.
Like trailers from a new X-Files movie, they offer previews of coming attractions from places where conspiracy is king.
In an October 2009 interview, David Duchovny likewise said he wants to do a 2012 X-Files movie, but still doesn't know if he'll get the chance.
Based on the results of "The X-Files" movie, with $85 million in domestic box office sales, the jury is still out on that prospect.
Like the "X-Files" movie, Tobias's sequel allows nonfans to follow along, but it does not give them much of a motive for doing so.
The black oil would later go on to play a much larger role in the series, including playing a pivotal role in the 1998 X-Files movie.
The song also appeared on the soundtrack to The X-Files movie.
Especially since he's apparently planning to write a second "X-Files" movie.