But later, after it was all over and as she was waiting in the hospital for X-ray results, the pregnant woman, Carmen Genao, said she did not remember any of that.
ABCDEFG, a mnemonic sometimes used when interpreting chest radiographs (X-ray results)
The jolly radiographer said this had to be done to get the best X-ray results, but knowing this didn't help much.
On my desk at the hospital sits a computer terminal I use to check my patients' blood tests and X-ray results.
While the test results for physical search exceeded the national average, both the metal detector and X-ray results were below average.
When we got the X-ray result, the bullet in the brain was there on the film.
Dr. JACK McPHILEMY said he expected the cast to stay on for three weeks and at that time, depending on X-ray results, Iverson's hand may be put in a splint.
She had been taken to Hastings Hospital and was now waiting for X-ray results.
MRI may also be used to tell if a bone is broken when X-ray results are not clear.