The X-ray technology is widely viewed as necessary for future generations of chips.
There is still a great deal of debate over how soon X-ray technologies will be needed for advanced semiconductor chips.
Many say that the company's X-ray technology is far too expensive and complex to displace the use of light.
Scientists previously expected that X-ray technology would be needed for the 16-megabit generation, but conventional techniques have continued to improve.
Why are lobsters being used in new X-ray technologies?
At some point, X-ray technology will triumph because of basic physics.
X-ray technology is no longer available because film and chemical stocks are depleted.
There, again, he saw the potential of angiography, the new X-ray technology that made it possible to "see" blood vessels inside the body.
The answer may lie in alternatives to standard X-ray technology.
No one is certain how far this new X-ray technology will lead in the miniaturization of computer chips.