The simplest is an XOR gate.
The XOR gate shown here is extremely dependent on timing, this dependence could be reduced by making the horizontal string of dominoes longer.
The 16X8 family or registered devices had an XOR gate before the register.
A prototypical example of positive has as the output of an XOR gate to which and are the independent random inputs.
There are three symbols for the XOR gate:
This strobe is then put through another XOR gate along with the data signal to reconstruct the clock.
Once you want to do something with the current, e.g. an XOR gate, that is still going to produce heat.
In an XOR gate (exclusive or) the output will be one if either but not both of the initial terms is one.
The resulting value of the second qubit corresponds to the result of a classical XOR gate.
For example, wire up the XOR gate, or the Q bit of the full adder, and see that they behave as expected.