The name was chosen because of the importance of fruit production to Yakima Valley's economy and the word 'vale' meaning valley.
Cowiche, like much of the Yakima Valley, is known for its apple crops.
Specifically, it was a 1985 late-harvest white riesling made from grapes from the Yakima Valley.
Later, as Americans settled the Yakima Valley, a stage coach route passed these cliffs.
Those snowcapped mountains give the Yakima Valley more than its fruitful soil.
The Yakima Valley produces 75% of all hops grown in the US.
The Yakama people were the first known inhabitants of the Yakima Valley.
The Yakima Valley is home to the state's highest concentration of wineries.
The parade was the first of its kind in the Yakima Valley.
When the investigators left, though, there was chaos in the Yakima Valley.