When Americans combined theoretical knowledge with "Yankee ingenuity", the result was a flow of important inventions.
Yankee ingenuity also turned pie into a receptacle for leftover meats and vegetables.
"He was an example of Yankee ingenuity; he largely taught himself."
We're not a wealthy state, and there's not a lot of resources, so we use Yankee ingenuity.
But I'm here to say that it's not too late - we just need a little more optimism and some good old-fashioned Yankee ingenuity.
But she used some rather modern technology and her own brand of Yankee ingenuity to create a special and lasting piece of art.
It speaks to our good old Yankee ingenuity.
What's neat about the hat is that it expresses the man's Yankee ingenuity.
"When will you learn to trust my Yankee ingenuity?"
"Making crank," one blog says, "is an exercise in good, old-fashioned Yankee ingenuity."