About 40% of the Jews were employed as labours and craftsmen and a Yiddish school was established in the town.
It bought and operated a local secular Yiddish school.
Jewish leaders were arrested and executed, and Yiddish schools were shut down.
During the same year, the organization helped to sponsor sixty three Yiddish schools, fifty four libraries and many other cultural and educational institutions.
In Melbourne, Australia a small Yiddish school is named after him.
A broad network of Hebrew and Yiddish schools, in which Jewish children received a free education, was established.
As a result, Jewish schools continue to operate while secular Yiddish schools were closed.
In 1980 a Yiddish school was opened in the settlement.
Propagated the idea of the new secular Yiddish school.
She grew up in a Yiddish-speaking home and attended Yiddish schools as a child.