However, "shmue" was a taboo Yiddish term for the female reproductive organ, the ultimate fertility symbol.
Rebbe - Yiddish term derived from the identical Hebrew word Rabbi.
This Yiddish term is also used for a special cup used for such washing.
Shvartzer is an often derisive Yiddish term for a black.
However, "shmue" was a taboo Yiddish term for the uterus.
Schnorrer, a Yiddish term for a person who travels from city to city begging.
We got bupkis for the real estate and the factory," he added, using a Yiddish term for nothing.
This Yiddish term is used in Contract bridge, chess, Go, and many other games.
Using the Yiddish term for junk, he added, "New York is built on chozzerai."
He made his reputation in the Catskills working as a tummeler, a Yiddish term for an all-around entertainer.