For the soundtrack, Eckman hired New York-based musician Sam Retzer.
The New York-based musician has always augmented his prerecorded music with live musicians in concert, and for this tour he fronts a conventional rock lineup.
Jett Craze (born March 23, 1974) is a New York-based, indie rock musician, singer-songwriter, recording artist, and music composer.
He played in Brown's student band and moved with other New York-based musicians whose model was Charlie Parker.
The group is made up of twelve New York-based musicians.
For one, a surprising number of New York-based musicians make their recordings in places like Purchase or Troy, N.Y., where costs are lower.
Second, Smalls, because it allows young musicians to perform in public week after week, has become a pla'e producing the next generation of New York-based musicians.
Mark Plati is a New York-based musician, record producer, and songwriter, widely acclaimed for his work in the 1990s with David Bowie.
In Decay is the 2nd full album and 3rd release from New York-based musician Com Truise.
New York-based musicians were said to be prepared to take legal action against the company for unpaid wages.