Canaveral Press was a New York-based publisher of fantasy, science fiction and related material, active from the early 1960s through the mid-1970s.
He added that Harry N. Abrams, the New York-based publisher, submitted the "second best" proposal.
Centaur Press, later renamed Centaur Books, was a New York-based small publisher active from the late 1960s through 1981.
In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing, the Bass group said it had bought the 1.89 million shares of the New York-based publisher for "investment purposes" only.
But according to Dennis Johnson, founder of Melville House Books, a trailblazing New York-based publisher, when it comes to books this needn't be the case.
The Barrow Street Press, a New York-based publisher of poetry books.
The Edwin Mellen Press is a Lewiston, New York-based publisher.
The book was published in January 2004 by New York-based publishers Simon & Schuster.
At least two California-based companies are wagering that they possess a keener literary sensibility for electronic titles than New York-based publishers.
The Ned Evans he mentioned is Edward P. Evans, Macmillan's chairman and chief executive, who won control of the New York-based publisher some years ago.