During the X-Men: Manifest Destiny storyline, Sunspot's business partner tells the Young X-Men that his workers went missing on an uncharted island.
Being under the control of the mutant-hunting robot Bastion, he shows his mutant target, the newly formed Young X-Men.
Upon learning this, Ink appears to suffer a crisis of conscience and leads the Young X-Men and New Mutants to Pierce's hideout.
Young X-Men was a comic book series published by Marvel Comics.
The other Young X-Men discuss Blindfold's vision and Dust's critical condition.
Eventually, he helps the Young X-Men come to realize they have been tricked.
Young X-Men "End of Days"
Paquette was the regular artist on Ultimate X-Men from February 2007 to January 2008, and for the first five issues of Young X-Men in 2008.
Shortly afterwards, Cyclops appears, asking her to return to New York to join his new team of Young X-Men.
Dust happily rejoins her teammates and her revival convinces the Young X-Men not to disband.