The village was previously an army site, but since Montenegro's independence, the Yugoslavian army has moved out.
Officials say Mr. Boskic lied on his refugee application, claiming he had served in the Yugoslavian army only in the 1980's.
They are generally less well armed than the Bosnian Serbs, who have weaponry that once belonged to the Yugoslavian army.
Within the Yugoslavian army, he became second-in-command of the anti-aircraft unit.
The Serbian forces were well armed with Soviet-supplied leftovers from the old Yugoslavian army.
He served in the Yugoslavian army.
Delay might give a spurious temptation to the so-called Yugoslavian army to exercise certain initiatives that could be detrimental to the freedom of other republics.
The Zastava M57 pistol, was a standard sidearm of Yugoslavian army.
He also did four years' national service in the Yugoslavian army.
The pro-Serbian Yugoslavian national army, which is currently stationed in these regions, is to withdraw.