To answer your question directly, as the inventors of the ZIP format, we have updated the standard format to support strong encryption capabilities using industry standard encryption.
But that was a ZIP format, I think.
ZIP Files: Files that have been compressed in ZIP format will need to be unzipped.
To help ensure the interoperability of the ZIP format, Phil Katz published the original .
Source is provided for all released versions on the SourceForge page in ZIP format.
And this is something called SecureZIP, which is a very compelling set of features in a 100 percent free download from the people who invented the ZIP format, PKWARE.
And he - you remember old-school back - the whole SEA, remember SEA and the older sort of prequel to the ZIP format.
The program will compress files in ZIP format, TAR, BZ2 - which is Block Zip 2 - BZ2, GZIP.
Uses the ZIP format, making ZIP part of the standard.
The ZIP format is not specified by any international standard, but has widespread community and developer acceptance.